Newsletter 28 April

May 17, 2021

Important Dates

Thursday 27 April
Hester Canterbury dinner. Don’t forget to bring your favourite tipple with you.

Thursday 6 May
Exercise classes resume in the gym. Please note you will not be able to attend the classes until Tom (the instructor) has received a medical clearance form signed by your Doctor.

Wednesday 19 May, 10
Cancer Council Big Morning Tea and Trivia Quiz.
Please join us for a fun morning and help raise funds for this vital and most worthy organisation.
More details to follow.

Housekeeping Notices


  • Please note that the bin under the café sink is ONLY  for recyclable rubbish – plastic, glass and paper.
    Regrettably used coffee pods can not be re-cycled and so are to be placed in the Other bin. Please also ensure that all rubbish placed in the rubbish chute is bagged.
  • Our very dear resident Margaret is still laid up in Box Hill Hospital and would very much enjoy hearing from you via a text message to her mobile.
  • If you have some free time and enjoy giving to the local community there are always opportunities to become a volunteer at BASScare.
    Drivers are always needed to deliver Meals On Wheels (if you wish this may as little as one hour every two weeks). Faversham House would be very appreciative of people to assist with shared activities, and there is the convenience of Faversham House being our next door neighbour.
  • Please do not use the dishwasher in the café area, it is not working. The technician will be out next week to look at it. In the interim please rinse any crockery and/or cutlery used and place it in the top dishwasher in the kitchen. Alternatively please hand wash  dirty crockery and replace it in the cupboard.
  • As mentioned in last week’s newsletter a group from the Department of Justice and Community are going to visit Hester Canterbury shortly for your opinions on the review of the Victorian Villages Retirement Act.(We are still waiting confirmation of a date and time from them).
  • If you would like some more information on the Villages Retirement Act as it is currently, you can read the Act in its entirety, or if you go to the following site then click Retirement Village Review Options Paper Summary,  where you will find the Options Paper Summary (either on MS Word or as a PDF).

The Origins of May Day (May 1)

  1. May Day: Beltane
    The Celts of the British Isles believed May 1 to be the most important day of the year, when the festival of Beltane was held. … Symbolic fire was one of the main rituals of the festival, helping to celebrate the return of life and fertility to the world.
  2. Alternative Titles: International Workers’ Day, Workers’ Day May Day, also called Workers’ Day or International Workers’ Day, day commemorating the historic struggles and gains made by workers and the labour movement, observed in many countries on May 1. In the United States and Canada a similar observance, known as Labour Day, occurs on the first Monday of September. May Day is celebrated on Saturday, May 1, 2021.
  3. The Mayday call originated in the 1920s. … As much of the traffic at Croydon airport at that time was to and from Le Bourget Airport in Paris, it was proposed the expression “Mayday” derived from the French word “m’aider” that means “help me” and is a shortened form of “venez m’aider”, which means “come and help me”.

If anyone has any glass jars that are no longer needed Alexia would be very happy to have them, Thank you.

Download 28 April Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 28 April