Newsletter 8 July

July 8, 2020

Important Dates

Tuesday 14 July
The Residents’ Committee meeting will be held on the above date.
If you have any items for discussion, please place your signed item in the Residents’ Committee mail box, this will ensure your item will be included in the Agenda.

Please note:
Due to the rise in numbers of people infected with COVID-19, the Victorian Government has extended the state of emergency until the 12 July 2020.
Public gatherings are again limited to 10 people.
Planning and announcing a scheduled date for the next Residents’ Forum will be  deferred until the State Government provides its next update.
We will keep you updated as further details area available.

Housekeeping Notices

  • Social Distancing
    You will notice blue crosses have been placed on the decking area of the courtyard.
    These crosses indicate the social distancing that must  be observed by all residents at all times. For instance if you are attending the 11.00am Friday musical mornings, these markers are the distance you must keep; the chairs are not to be moved.
  • Compost Bin
    The compost bin in the communal vegetable garden has been producing some really excellent compost and is full of worms, which is great news for the garden.
    The worms who inhabit the compost tumbler have reported that they have repeatedly tried to break down items such as bottle tops and wooden pegs and they just can’t manage it.
    They earnestly request that you keep any contributions to the compost tumbler to food scraps and green waste – those they can manage.

An important Reminder:

It is usual practice for all Hester Canterbury residents to annually attend a talk on safety and emergency procedures (such as how to evacuate the building in an emergency etc.).
While this event was scheduled again this year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic it has had to be delayed.
Please take the time to read and remember the points below:

  • It cannot be emphasized strongly enough that as soon as you hear the alarm you must IMMEDIATELY leave your apartment, evacuate the building and make your way promptly to the closest EVACUTION ASSEMBLY AREA.
    (The evacuation assembly areas are well signposted externally around the building. Please familiarize yourself with ALL their locations on the property)
  • When evacuating the building DO NOT attempt to use the lifts – they will automatically stop functioning in an emergency situation. If you cannot traverse the stairs you must still proceed to the fire escape stairwell. The fire escape stairs provide a smoke barrier and this could be what saves your life in an emergency situation.

Week Three of the Winter Menu starts on Monday 15 July.
Please place any orders by lunchtime the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!

Download 8 July Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 8 July