Newsletter 6 October

October 6, 2021

Important Dates

  • Tuesday, 12 October at 9:30am
    Residents’ Committee Meeting (to be held via zoom).If you have any matters you would like raised at this meeting please put it in writing and submit the correspondence in the Residents’ Committee letter box by close of business by the close of business Friday 8 Oct.
  • Save the Date
    It’s hard to believe that despite having so little freedom this year Christmas is fast approaching. Not knowing what restrictions we will be living with in the run up to Christmas, we are hoping to have a drinks and nibbles evening like last year. We are looking to hold the event on the evening of Friday 10 December, this date will be confirmed as soon as possible.
Download 6 October Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 6 October

Housekeeping Notices

  • Simon, our former gardener has received the “good bye and good luck” card sent to him and he wanted to pass on his thanks and let everyone know how touched he was by your thoughtfulness and good wishes.
  • There has been some enquiries from some residents concerning organizing a hard rubbish collection with Boroondara Council for Hester Canterbury residents. If you are interested in having any hard rubbish removed please let Alexia know and we will then request this service from the Council.
  • It is a pleasure to announce that we will be having a new gardener starting in the near future; we will all look forward to welcoming Thomas to BASScare and especially Hester Canterbury soon.
  • We are running low on some of the communal crockery in the café area (particularly the bread and butter plates). Please check your apartments for any to be returned.

Week One of the Winter Menu starts on Monday 11 October
Please place any orders by lunchtime the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!

Things that brighten a day….

It was such a treat to have Ann cook a beautiful cake for morning tea and leave it on the café counter for all Hester Canterbury residents to share. This thoughtful gesture certainly helped brighten people’s day. Thank you Ann.

Just for Laughs….

ANOTHER WOODEN BALL!! would it kill the makers of avocados to put a different toy inside.

My wife sent me a text that said “Your great”. So naturally, i wrote back, “no, you’re great”. She’s been walking around all happy and smiling. Should I tell her I was just correcting her grammar or leave it?

Does anyone know which page of the bible explains how to turn water into wine? Asking for a friend.