Newsletter 3 November

November 2, 2021

Important Dates

  • Tuesday, 9 November 7:30pm
    The good news is the Tuesday night cinema is back starting on the above time and date. Naturally the same rules apply as any other cinema – Face masks must be worn properly, and all participants must be double vaccinated. A list of this month’s films has been distributed to each of your letter boxes. John M has been very instrumental in organizing everything to get this activity up and running again, so our gratitude to you John.
  • Thursday, 11 November 10:00am
    Exercise classes recommence for those residents who were enrolled earlier in the year. While not compulsory, if wearing a face mask is not comfortable it is recommended.
Download 3 November Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 3 November

Housekeeping Notices

  • Please ensure the wine cellar door is closed properly after exiting the cellar, otherwise your delicious drops could take a turn for the worse.
  • Boroondara Council will not provide a hard rubbish collection for Hester Canterbury residents because there is no waste management costing in your rates. If you do have some hard rubbish that you would like cleared please contact Alexia and it can be stored on sighs until BASScare has a hard rubbish collection at one of our other properties and it can then be added to that collection point.
  • The festive season is rapidly approaching and due to the lifting of many of the COVID restrictions Hester Canterbury residents will again be able to entertain visitors in their homes or in the communal areas . Please be aware that all visitors must be double vaccinated and you must see proof of this. If you would like to use any of the shared public areas for entertaining please collect a “Hospitality Request Form” from Alexia so your chosen time, date and area can be reserved and other residents notified in advance.

Week One of the Spring Menu starts on Monday 8 November.
Please place any orders by lunchtime the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!

A Special Request…

We have all struggled over the past 18 months or so, however no group of people more so than homeless and their families, and this Christmas the Hester Canterbury community can help make some of these people’s lives a little easier. It’s In The Bag is an annual event that gifts bags filled with essential toiletry items to donate to someone in need for Christmas, and these bags are distributed to 3,000 Australian charities.

The kind of products that can be donated are

  • Shampoo and Conditioner,
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste,
  • Period products,
  • Hand crèmes,
  • Face wipes,
  • Soap or body wash,
  • Roll on deodorant,
  • Body Moisturizers,
  • Lip balms,
  • Hand sanitizer,

If you have any hand bags that are in good condition (pre-loved is fine) and you would like to donate them to the cause it would be appreciated. PLEASE DO NOT DONATE any used or open items, ANY aerosol cans such as body spray or dry shampoo, or any pharmaceutical items such as vitamins.

There will be a donation box on the round dining room table, so next time you are doing your grocery shopping please put some extras in your shopping basket; this little act of kindness will help make some one else’s life a little easier.
The cut off date for all donations will be Thursday, 25 November because your donations will have to be delivered to Bunnings (a designated drop off location) by November 26.

Things that Brighten our Day…

Thank you to Sarah for sharing her delicious banana and walnut cake with everyone for morning tea.

Enjoy Melbourne Cup and may all your horses be winners!