Newsletter 25 November

December 2, 2020

Important Dates

Sunday, 22 November
The state government has made further announcements
concerning the last step of Victoria’s road map to re-opening.
To see how this affects you please see overleaf and the current handout.

Friday, 27 November
Alexia will not be on site on the above date. If you have ordered a meal on that date your dinner will be available for collection from the kitchen fridge from 4:30pm onwards.

December, 14 and 16
External and internal window cleaning is scheduled to take place on December 16 and 17. If you would like your internal windows cleaned the sign up sheet is at Reception.

Housekeeping Notices

  • Hester Window Cleaning
    The window cleaners will be cleaning the inside and outside of the balcony glass.
    To ensure the contractors have enough room to access each balcony please ensure all plants, furniture and the like is moved well away from the area.
    If you need any help doing this please speak to Alexia and help will be organized.
    If you would like your internal windows cleaned (cost $60 and this will be charged to your monthly account) the sign up sheet is now available at the reception desk.
  • Christmas Function
    The sign up sheet for the Hester Canterbury Christmas function is now at reception, for catering purposes the cut off date to RSVP to this event is Wednesday December 2.
  • Christmas Cards
    Christmas cards handmade by the residents of BASScare Faversham House are now available at the Hester Reception for $2 a card.Please make your selection and place amount owing in one of the “honesty envelopes”.

What the latest easing of restrictions mean for Hester Canterbury

  • Face Coverings mandatory indoors still and include settings such as public transport and shopping. Not required for outside unless you cannot maintain physical distancing. Requirements to carry masks at all times.
  • Public gatherings up to 50 people can gather outdoors from any number of households ( Hester Christmas drinks are a go ! )
  • Private Gatherings up to 15 visitors per day can visit a household either together or separately. Face masks are recommended when physical distancing cannot be maintained. Keeping a record of visitors is advised.
  • Private Contractors such as cleaners may enter your home on the proviso that only one apartment is cleaned a day, all conditions of entry for Hester Canterbury are complied with (please see last week’s newsletter – November 18), and finally the use of equipment is compliant with government stipulations (please refer to last week’s newsletter).
  • Unfortunately skate parks and trampoline centres are still restricted to those under 18 years of age.

Sincere congratulations for staying the “hard yard”; our record of zero cases (no deaths, no new cases and no COVID-19 patients in hospitals has made Victoria the leading standard of control in the world.

We would like your help….
Your opinion on the comfort and function on a new style   of dining room chair for Morgan Glen Iris would be   valuable.  Please pop into the Hester Canterbury office to   “sit” (boom, boom !) a “Goldilocks” test – too hard, too   soft, too high, too low…

Your insights would be really appreciated. Thank you.

Week Three the Spring Menu starts on Monday 30 November.
Please place any orders by lunchtime the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!

Download 25 November Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 25 November