Newsletter 24 August

August 24, 2022

Important Dates

  • Friday, 11:00am 26 August
    Don’t forget the travelling shoe shop will be at Hester Canterbury in the main lounge. Please feel free to invite family and friends.
  • The craft group will meet on Monday, 2:00pm 29 August. (In the private dining room). Please feel free to join in for a relaxing afternoon of craft and company.
  • Tom Edwards from the Canterbury Centre will be visiting us on Friday, 11:00am 2 September to talk about the  activities available for all Hester Canterbury residents to partake of at the Canterbury Centre. There are offerings of interest to all.

Download 24 August Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 24 August

Housekeeping Notices

  • Save the Date Friday, 10:00am 16 September
    All Hester Canterbury residents are strongly urged to attend the Resident Fire and Awareness Training to be held in the main lounge on the above date. The training will include vital information on what to do in an emergency and it could potentially save lives in such an exigency.
  • While on the subject of unexpected emergencies it is strongly recommended that all residents have an overnight bag packed with any essentials needed for an unexpected hospital visit. The contents should include an up to date list of all medications and any other medical information that may be of use to the medical attendees.
  • Our vegetable garden has some very impressive cabbages that are prime for picking. Please help yourself to them by cutting them off gently form the stem. Martin, our wonderful resident gardener is looking forward to your suggestions for vegetables you would like planted as Spring approaches.

Week Three of the Menu starts on Monday 29 August.
Please place any orders by lunchtime the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!


It could be said that memories are the personal journal of one’s life and what treasured memories I leave Hester Canterbury with.

You have all confirmed that some values sometimes considered outdated in this world are still very much worth holding on tightly to.

Each and every one of you who have made this place your home and have shown how important decency, respect and most of all kindness, are to all.

Your generosity of heart is what makes 9 Chatham Road more than a building to house people; because of you it has evolved as the very caring and unique community that has made being part of Hester Canterbury such a privilege.

As one resident commented once

“Warts and all we are a family” and I think this pretty well sums things up.

“….Kindness is the only service that will stand the storm of life and not wash out.

It will wear well and be remembered long after the prism of politeness or the complexion of courtesy has faded away.

Kindness plucks a thistle and plants a flower wherever a flower will grow”.

You have all made Hester Canterbury bloom with flowers.

You have taught and given me so much – your wisdom, your stoicism, your courage, your good grace, your humour and your kindness, I will carry these with me always.

The past 6 years or so with you all have meant more than I can express, thank you all for enriching my life in so very many ways….

You will be much missed.
