Newsletter 22 February 2023

February 23, 2023
    I’ve been informed that there’s at least 20 members of the Oakleigh Brass Band playing for your enjoyment in the Courtyard (weather permitting) on Sunday 5 March at 2:30pm, so let’s see if we can match the band attendance, you may like to even invite a friend or family member. The Sign-Up Form is in the Private Dining Room and please RSVP by Tuesday 28 February indicating if you have an extra.
    The High Note’ is a music comedy drama with its heart in the right place as it navigates the path of an overlooked personal assistant to a singing Mega Star and her fight to be recognized. Screening on the Hester Class Big Screen this coming Tuesday 28 February at 7:30pm.

Download 22 February Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 22 February


If you could take a minute to put aside any used stamps you have received, Robyn is collecting them for Melbourne Legacy as a charity initiative. Please place any stamps you have in Robyn’s mailbox or you can drop them off at the office. Thank you.

While juggling our temporary Lounge arrangements could we please ensure that any crockery removed from the lounge is returned to either the Lounge or at present the ground floor Kitchen. More importantly, for those residents that partake in the culinary delights of an evening meal from the wonderful Chefs of Faversham, maybe do an audit of your own crockery to see if any of the Hester Canterbury plates or bowls are camping out in your cupboards, as we are having the ongoing issue of shortages of crockery.

I would like to apologise for the ‘February Birthday’s Celebration Cake’ being delivered for morning tea instead of 3pm as requested. I hope this did not inconvenience anyone, especially the birthday boys & girls.

Week One of the Summer Menu starts on Monday 27 February.
Please place any orders by 1pm the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!

Residents Committee Survey.
To fellow partakers of morning tea, a few people have expressed dissatisfaction with the ample offerings of scones catered by and sent over from Faversham for morning tea. The kind Chefs of Faversham have offered to make whatever we would like
(within reason and price) to cater to our taste buds, so here is your chance to put your oar in and let us know what you Like or do Not Like to partake of for morning tea.
Please write your suggestions (polite thank you) on a piece of paper and place it in my letterbox for consideration. We will do our best to cater to your palates, but obviously we can’t please everybody all the time. Regards to all, Ann S
(Footnote) Don’t forget morning tea is served every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30am in the lounge where the community meets for conversation, friendship, a good old fashion laugh, and an all around lovely morning.

I am pleased to advise that the new floorboards are down and most of the walls patched and painted. There has been a small delay to the schedule awaiting the replacement of the Reception desk, however once this is fitted, the final corking and thorough commercial clean of the area can take place ready for handover either late Monday or Tuesday of next week. The contractors are yet to advise me of a start date for the commencement of Stage Two (Club Lounge & Dining Rooms) though I would expect it to be late next week.

Thank you again for your consideration and have an enjoyable week.