Newsletter 19 October 2022

October 20, 2022

Important Dates

    Don’t feel like cooking? Why not order something off the delicious Spring Menu, be it a main meal from either the lunch or dinner choices, or maybe put a frozen meal aside for one of our rainy days. If you’re hungry, please ensure your order is placed by 1pm this Thursday
    ‘Farewell, Mister Haffmann’ The film’s concentrated portrait of three individuals under stress leads us to wonder what we’d do in this situation. Screening Tuesday 25 October at 7:30pm.

Download 19 October Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 19 October

House Keeping:

    ‘I have sat on the Queen’s throne and slept in Prince Philip’s bed’
    Think you know which resident this is? Please let me know before next Tuesday to go into the draw for our weekly Prize. Last weeks prize jackpots for this week as no one guessed our Mystery Insight correctly. I won’t leave you in suspense, it was Christine.
    Come early December, the winter grime will be washed away from Hester Canterbury’s façade and allow the filtered sun to shine throughout your apartments. Exterior Clean Melbourne is offering additional services to all residents of Interior Window Clean for $75 plus GST. In addition, they will scrub and clean your Balcony Tiles for $150 plus GST. You will find a Window / Balcony request form at Reception that must be completed by 24 November, 2022.
    The monitoring of Hester Canterbury’s security is paramount and to ensure our seamless property and apartment access systems are not compromised, we need to manage a comprehensive updated record of all active Keys & Swipe Cards in existence. At your first convenience, I will need you to advise me of what Keys / Swipe Cards / Garage Remotes you, your family & friends, or even the cleaner have, and where possible, the Swipe Card number. Thank You

Week Four of the Spring Menu starts on Monday 24 October.
Please place any orders by 1pm the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!

The Tel Kabri found in Israel, was the worlds’ oldest known wine cellars, dating back to 1700 BCE. These wine cellars were approximately four and a half by seven meters and were able to hold about forty large ceramic jars, equivalent to about 3000 bottles of wine. Constructed predominately from stone, early wine cellars were underground sheltered from external influences and providing a dark, constant temperature and humidity environment which is wines best friend and preserves the complexities of its aging process. With 10,000 varieties of wine grapes existing worldwide, France, Spain and Italy are the most significant produces of wine, with 1 Ton of grapes yielding approximately 720 bottles, hence the need to introduce integrated cellars into the home to house the plethora and spoils of choice. The ancient cellars are a far cry from the modern era climate controlled conditions of Hester Canterbury’s own wine cellar, a fortress of hidden labels and timelessly maturing grapes, awaiting that one special Friday Night Happy Hour occasion.

HESTER CANTERBURY LIBRARY ‘Gateway to great stories’
To coincide with the recent visit by guest speaker and author Kerry Tucker, I purchased her book ‘The Prisoner’ and placed it in the Hester Canterbury Library for all to enjoy. It is presently touring the village more frequently than an Elton John Australian tour, and we ask that once you have finished reading it, please place it back in the Library for the next eager book worm to enjoy. Thank you.