Newsletter 17 November

November 16, 2021

Important Dates

  • Tuesday, November 30
    Hester Canterbury Residents’ Committee meeting – if you have anything you would like discussed at the meeting please put it in writing and drop your correspondence off in the appropriate letter box. Please note this will be the last meeting before the Annual General Meeting.(Please more details below)
  • Wednesday, December 8 at 10:30am
    Hester Canterbury 2021 Annual General Meeting will be held in the main lounge area. Please register your attendance (or apology) on the sign up sheet at the reception desk. You are strongly encouraged to attend this important meeting.
Download 17 November Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 17 November

Housekeeping Notices

  • The Hester Canterbury gym has re-opened. Please remember to observe all COVID protocols such as signing in and sanitizing all equipment you use.
  • Please note the coffee pods used in the coffee machine are NOT recyclable and must go in the normal rubbish bin and NOT in the re-cycling bin.
  • Life is getting brighter – Happy Hour is back every Friday evening from 5:00pm to when you think it is time to go home. Please BYO your drinks and nibbles and join other residents for a relax and a catch up.
  • As the Festive Season approaches you may be considering a private function in one of the shared common areas, if so please speak to Alexia . Other residents can then be informed of the event and this also ensures the area is not double booked. The sign up sheet for the Hester Canterbury Christmas Party (Friday, December 10) is now available at the reception desk.
  • Please do not forget to put your donations of toiletries in the box located in the dining room area – the donations will be taken to a Bunnings store at the end of the month (25 November) to be bagged up and distributed to homeless women. Your donations are much appreciated and will certainly help make life a little easier for people who have a daily struggle…
  • A gentle reminder that the 10:00am Thursday morning gym classes have now resumed; if you signed up to attend these classes earlier in the year, you will now be able to recommence with Tom the instructor.
  • Christmas cards made by the residents of Faversham House will again be on sale at the reception desk of Hester Canterbury. As in past years it will again be an honour system where you select your cards and place the corresponding amount of money in the envelopes provided.

Week Three of the Spring Menu starts on Monday 22 November.
Please place any orders by lunchtime the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!

Some Hester Canterbury History…..

The first film (“The Bucket List”) was shown in the Hester Canterbury cinema on the 17 November 2015 with 10 residents attending (Bill and Judy, Sam and Helen, John. F, Fred and Pat, Hilary, Christine and John. M). Further films were shown most weeks after that and in January 2016 the film committee of Margaret, Allan and John was formed.
Our appreciation to the film committee for all their continued efforts to provide a diverse and stimulating selection of weekly films for the enjoyment of all residents. Thank you to John. M for providing the above social history concerning the cinema.