Newsletter 14 July

July 13, 2021

Important Dates

  • Tuesday, 11.30am 20 July
    Morgan Glen Iris Tour and Luncheon. Please see more details under the housekeeping notices.
  • Wednesday, 10.30am 28 July
    Hester Canterbury 2021 Annual General Meeting. If there is a matter you would like discussed at the AGM please put it in writing and place in the Resindets’ Committee mailbox. All agenda items need to be provided to the Committee at least 4 days prior to the meeting to be included on the Agenda.
  • Thursday, 7.00pm 29 July
    Christmas in July Dinner. Please see more details for this function in the housekeeping notices.
Download 14 July Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 14July

Housekeeping Notices

  • Morgan Glen Iris Tour and Luncheon: All Hester Canterbury residents have been invited to a tour and luncheon at Morgan Glen Iris on Tuesday 20 July 11.15am for 11.30 am. If you would like to attend please sign up by noon Thursday, 15 July. (No further names will be taken after this time). Morgan Glen Iris is located at 14 Elizabeth Street, Glen Iris.
  • Christmas in July Dinner. The sign up sheet is now available at reception desk for your selection to be recorded.
    Main Selection’s: Roast turkey or Roast ham, served with roasted garlic potato, honey glazed carrots and peas.
    Dessert Selection’s: Chocolate pudding and vanilla ice cream. Individual cheeseboards.
  • Our scarf stall was a lot of fun and aside from a chance to clear out some space in our wardrobes an extra $155.00 was raised for the Cancer Council of Australia. Along with our Big Morning Tea held earlier this year you have raised a total of $915.00 for this very deserving charity – an amazing effort from our Hester Canterbury community. A big thank you to our brilliant resident who came up with the idea of the scarf stall – it was really worthwhile and a lot of ladies in need will surely appreciate having the remaining scarves for the winter.

Week Two of the Winter Menu starts on Monday 19 July.
Please place any orders by lunchtime the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!

Reminder to all…

Please do not leave dirty crockery and other utensils in the sink for others to clean up. Please just rinse them and place in the dish washer, when the dishwasher is full, it will be turned on.