Newsletter 13 April

April 11, 2022

Important Dates

  • Please be aware that over the Easter public holidays (Good Friday 15 April and Easter Monday 18 April) there will be no staff on duty, so if you have ordered meals please remember to collect them from the Hester Canterbury kitchen after 4:30pm.
  • Tuesday, 19 April
    From 9:30am on the above date the garage gate will be undergoing its regular scheduled maintenance. Please be cautious when entering and/or leaving the garage area at this time.
  • The sign up form for the Hester Canterbury monthly dinner (7:00pm Thursday 21 April) is now available at the Reception desk. This month’s dinner is Indian cuisine. More information in Housekeeping Notices…
Download 13 April Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 13 April

Housekeeping Notices

  • Please be assured that although the April dinner will be Indian cuisine it will not be hot or too spicy; rather a tasty selection that should appeal to all. The cut off date to sign up for the monthly dinner is noon Tuesday 19 April.
  • After many communications with the staff of the Herald Sun newspaper the paper * will again be delivered from Thursday 14th April (hopefully). If you have to contact either The Age or The Herald Sun offices, please get a phone reference number that will be available after your conversation. If there are further issues that you may have to follow up on in the future having the phone reference number should help to sort things out.(* This is the community shared paper).
  • Please do not place dirty cutlery or crockery in the dishwasher labelled “WASHTECH” . This machine is for glass washing only (which is why it has no dish racks). The dish washer to the left of the ice machine is the correct one to stack dirty items in.

Week One of the Autumn Menu starts on Monday 18 April..
Please place any orders by lunchtime the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!

Some unusual Easter customs from all around the world….

Easter is known around the world for multi-coloured decorated eggs. However in Greece you will find only red eggs. Red is the colour of life as well as a representation of the blood of Christ. From ancient times The egg has been a symbol of the renewal of life and the message of red eggs is victory over death.

In Norway it is a tradition to read crime novels. The tradition is said to have started in 1923 when a book publisher promoted its new crime novel on the front pages of newspapers. The ads resembled news so much that people didn’t know it was a publicity stunt, and it received massive attention…. and so the tradition was born.

The Easter bunny doesn’t visit France. Children in France receive their Easter goodies from the “Easter Bells”. The tradition is based on staunch Catholic teachings, where no church bells are to ring between Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday.

You might need earmuffs if you’re in Florence, Italy on Easter Sunday. Locals gather to celebrate the 350 year old tradition of Scoppio del Carro, or “Explosion of the cart”. A pair of oxen adorned in garlands pull a three storey high wagon filled with fireworks through the streets to the front of the cathedral, accompanied by drummers, flag throwers and people in historical costumes. During Easter mass, the Archbishop of Florence lights a fuse that sends a dove shape rocket down a wire to the cart, igniting the fireworks. This extravagant custom is meant to ensure a good harvest.

Whatever you are up to this Easter may it be peaceful and pleasant.