Newsletter 11 November

November 13, 2020

Important Dates

2 – 22 November 2020
The City of Boroondara is seeking feedback about the health and wellbeing issues that matter most to you. Have your say online by completing a short survey from the 2 of November until closing date November 22.
To complete the survey visit:

Save the Date11 December 2020
(Late afternoon to early evening Christmas function).
More details to come closer to the day.

Housekeeping Notices

  • Further Easing of COVID-19 Restrictions
    As of the 8 of November 2020 the State Government has
    lifted some more of the COVID-19 restrictions for Melbourne.
    For further details concerning the easing of some restrictions please see overleaf.
  • A gentle reminder
    If you are organizing to do any structural work in your apartment please be aware that this must be put in writing to BASScare.
    Wherever possible, requests will be respected on the understanding that if needed, the apartment will be restored to its original condition upon vacation.
  • Congratulations to all our winners in the Melbourne Cup Sweep. A big thank you to Val for all her efforts in organizing the sweep for all residents.

What the further lifting of COVID-19 restrictions means for you…

The “Ring of Steel” has been lifted meaning that travel in the state is no longer restricted to 25kms; you are free to travel anywhere within Victoria and interstate.

  • No changes to face coverings – facemasks must still be worn.
  • Each day, a household can receive up to two different adult visitors per day, either together or separately.
  • Public gatherings no change (up to 10 people can gather outdoors from any number of households).
  • Hairdressers are permitted on site to attend one apartment only (and must comply with entry regulations concerning face masks, using hand sanitizer, having their temperature taken and completing the visitor book).
  • Please note all outside contractors must provide proof of having had a current flu injection ( such as a photo, Doctor’s certificate, employer’s letter).
  • Care facilities – one household is now permitted to visit a patient in a care facility once a day for two hours.
  • Sorry…. Skate parks and trampoline centres are still only open to people aged 18 years or younger, so you will have to wait a little longer to get back to these!

If anyone has any glass jars that are no longer needed Alexia would be very happy to have them, Thank you.

On a lighter note…..
Q – Why can’t Donald Trump stay in the White House?
A – Because it’s for Biden…..

Week One the Spring Menu starts on Monday 16 November.
Please place any orders by lunchtime the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!

Download 11 November Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 11 November