Newsletter 9 February

February 9, 2022

Important Dates

  • Annual Leave
    Alexia will be on leave commencing Monday 14 February and returning on the 21 February 2022. Rebecca Barnard will be filling in for Alexia while she is away.

BASScare Home Care

Did you know that BASScare is now offering Home Care support services tailored to you so that you can live your best life in the comfort of your own home. You can access Home Care services such as:

  • Nursing and allied health,
  • Meals and personal care,
  • Cleaning, and
  • Transport and social activities.

In the near future Lauren Richey, our BASScare Home Care Manager will come to speak to all Hester Canterbury residents about this service.

Download 9  February Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 9 February

Housekeeping Notices

  • A gentle reminder to please make sure that all rubbish is bagged and securely tied before it is placed in the rubbish chute.Re-cycled rubbish can be placed in the chute without being wrapped.
  • Thank you very much to Liz for making and sharing the delicious lemon cake for morning tea last week. It was much enjoyed by all.
  • All at Hester Canterbury would like to pass on our congratulations to Joan and Terry who are celebrating their 54th wedding anniversary.
  • A gentle reminder; if any time you are staying away from your apartment overnight or longer, or you have guests staying with you, please let Alexia know. The information is recorded and available for the first responders in case of an emergency. This way an accurate head count can be made to ensure that if needed the building has been thoroughly evacuated.

Week Two of the Summer Menu starts on Monday 14 February.
Please place any orders by lunchtime the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!

Some Unusual Facts about St Valentine’s Day…

  • There are at least 2 background incidents that could have inspired the day. One was a priest in third century Rome who defied Emperor Claudius the Second’s ban on marriage (the emperor thought it
    distracted young soldiers), illegally marrying couples in the spirit of love until he was caught and sentenced to death. Another legend suggests that Valentine was killed for attempting to help Christians escape prison in Rome, and that he actually sent the first “valentine” message himself while imprisoned, writing a letter signed “From your Valentine”.
  • Valentine’s Day has had its roots in an ancient Pagan festival, with some historians believing its origins were from an Pagan fertility festival called “Lupercalia” which was celebrated in ancient Rome. The festival was dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture.
  • Despite ties to love and marriage, Valentine’s Day didn’t become associated with them until medieval times, when it was believed that the mating of birds 4 February. The very first valentine is said to have been a poem sent in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife. Imprisoned in the Tower of London after his capture at the Battle of Agincourt, he wrote “I am already sick of love, my very gentle valentine”. Sadly it would be 20 more long years until the 21 year old would be released from his cell…. It was one mostly one man, Richard Cadbury, who was responsible for forever tying the holiday to chocolate. The son of the manufacturer of Cadbury Chocolate, he began packaging his family’s product in beautiful heart shaped boxes to drive up sales in the 1860’s. This grew into an industry that now counts some 36 million heart shaped boxes of chocolate sold annually.