Newsletter 13 October

October 13, 2021

Important Dates

  • Friday, 15 October
    In an effort to use up some accrued leave until further notice Alexia will be not be working every second Friday, starting from the above date. Rebecca will cover these shifts of a Friday.
  • Friday, 10 December
    If permissible under the State Government COVID restrictions, we will all get together to celebrate the Festive Season with drinks and finger food in the Hester Canterbury courtyard. It’s our time to celebrate the caring and special community we are part of. Please save the date and more details will follow.
Download 13 October Newsletter here:
Hester Newsletter 13 October

Housekeeping Notices

  • In our vegetable garden the snow peas, kale and broccoli is ready to be harvested. Please help yourself, we do ask that you use scissors and gently take as is needed – Bon Appetit.
  • The window cleaners have been booked to come on site a few days before Christmas. This is the first available date that could be booked and we will have more information for you concerning the logistics of the works closer to the actual date.
  • No one knows when life may throw a curve ball and an unexpected visit to hospital occurs. It is strongly recommended that you have in readiness a packed overnight bag in your apartment in case you do have an unscheduled hospital stay. Don’t forget to include a current list of your medications and you Doctor’s contact details.

Week Two of the Winter Menu starts on Monday 18 October
Please place any orders by lunchtime the Thursday before.
Bon Appetit!

Things that make our day a little brighter…

Thank you to Elizabeth for baking a very tasty lemon cake and sharing it with all for morning tea. To be able to share time, cake and company together makes the day better for all.

In the park last Saturday a gentleman had hooked up a little wagon to the back of his mobility scooter and was giving little children rides to the sound track of Doris Day singing “Que Sera Sera “ it was delightful to see…

Please don’t forget to take the time to write down the little things that brighten your day and then hand them into Alexia so they can be published in our newsletter for all to enjoy.

Did you Know….

On this day in 1933 Australia’s first traffic lights were installed in Sydney at the intersection of Market and Kent Streets in Sydney’s Central Business District. Melbourne’s first set of traffic lights were installed around Christmas time in 1937 at the intersection of Collins and Queen Street; these were deemed such a success that others in St Kilda Road followed shortly afterwards.

The hook turn was introduced in Melbourne In the 1950’s, and while hook turns are also used in Germany, Japan and the Netherlands, Melbourne is the only city where a hook turn facilitates tram movement. A hook turn saves a tram 11-15 seconds per intersection, and without them tram delays, would cost between 15-25 million dollars annually.